
Self paced Learning App

ILern Self Paced Learning App


The Startup ILern had an idea for an interactive employee training application that would allow learners to engage with content through their preferred learning style, take notes, and track progress through unit visualizations & testing.



The core experience of the application involves three flexible modules. Learners choose their preferred module to read articles, watch videos, and jot down notes as they progress through the unit material and quizzes.

Learners have the option to focus in on one or two content formats at a time, or open the Article, Video, and Note modules simultaneously (and in their preferred tablet orientation).


In addition to the core experience, a carousel navigation mechanism orients learners within the course structure.

Each carousel card displays a topic, with new units flowing into the card as learners complete the material in the previous unit. Unit content is adaptive based on a learner’s performance on quizzes.


At the end of each unit, a multiple choice quiz helps gauge learner’s retention of the material and tailor the next unit to their comprehension.

If the learner answers a question incorrectly, they are prompted with the opportunity to view an explanation of the correct answer or view related material in the core experience.

As the course material is intended to be dynamic, we experimented with ways to represent how a course length and progress could change depending upon quiz performance.